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2022 Pastels on the Plaza

The 0 to 8 Mental Health Collaborative is grateful to our Leadership Team members Katie Allen and Nicola Wilson for supporting River, Ruby, Eve, Lexi and Ariella to create this beautiful artwork representing our 0 to 8 Mental Health Collaborative  at this years Pastels on the Plaza.  This artistic group of children, worked collaboratively to design and bring their vision to life!  A big thank your to our partner, Northcoast Children’s Services for donating a square to highlight our work.


Not only is every child different, but parents also bring to the relationship their own history of being parented, hopes and dreams, vulnerabilities, temperament, history of relationships, and general mental health. This unique relationship between every parent and child is what makes infant and early childhood mental health work both challenging and exciting.

T. Berry Brazelton, M.D.

Professor of Pediatrics, Emeritus, Harvard Medical School and Boston Children's Hospital