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11/14/2016 Leadership Meeting Agenda

Leadership Team Meeting Agenda

Monday, November 14, 2016

HCOE Alder (the old TLC in the HERC) 3:00-5:00pm  

3:00-3:30: Informal support and networking

3:30-5:00: Leadership Team Meeting

Introductions and Leadership Updates:

Calendar Updates:

Save the Dates!

November 16-17, 9:00am-4:00pm: Safety Organized Practice: Foundational Institute- (UC Davis training offered via DHHS)

December 1st, 6:00pm-8:00pm : Town Hall mtg. Featuring Senator McGuire@ Aquatic Center

December 13th, 6-8pm: Intro to NMT (pre-recorded training) – Kick-off to Mobius Care series (see flyer)

January 25th & February 1st, 12:30-5:00pm: Reflective Practice

Post Event review:

– Children’s Mental Health Summit – September 29 & 30

  • Summit Resources Padlet
  • Summit Review slide show on website

– Partnership with Inclusion State Conference

Child Health, Education & Care Summit Presentation

Discussion items:

Review meeting calendar

Leadership Team Retreat 9/12/16 – review

  • 5yr work plan draft
  • Action Plan Opportunities
  • Action Steps will be generated by subcommittees
  • Divide and conquer with focus on agency strengths/ interests

IFECMH Training & Certification Subcommittee mtg. 10/10/16 – review

  • Follow-up on 0-8 funded projects:
    • Feedback Form and/or presentation (see attached)
    • Mobius Care Series speakers

Systems Change and Outreach Subcommittee mtg. 10/10/16 – review

  • Action Plans
  • Work Plan
  • Roadshow

Website Subcommittee:

  • Feedback/ Update

Data/Evaluation Subcommittee:

  • Needs to be established


  • Pregnancy and Postpartum Support Network
  • Humboldt BRIDGES
  • Humboldt Network of FRC’s

Subcommittee Updates located in on our  Training Subcommittee Folder labeled June 2016.  Go to the following link for access:


– December 12, 2106 Subcommittees

– January 9, 2017 Leadership team