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Leadership Team

Beth Heavilin, M.Ed., Coordinator, 0 to 8 Mental Health Collaborative

Beth works in a collaborative effort between the Humboldt County Office of Education and the California Department of Education providing training, coaching and mentoring in Infant-family and Early Childhood Mental Health.  She is the director of the Humboldt Infant-Family and Early Childhood Mental Health Training Program.

Katie Allen, MSW, PPSC, Coordinator, 0 to 8 Mental Health Collaborative

Katie Allen is a School Social Worker and Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultant in Humboldt County, CA.  Katie currently works for Eureka City Schools providing supervision and training to MSW Graduate Students from Humboldt State University doing internships in schools and school-based personnel. 

Meg Walkley, MSW Founder, 0 to 8 Mental Health Collaborative

Meg works as a consultant providing training and support to practitioners in Infant-family and Early Childhood Mental Health.  She is a CA endorsed IFECMH Specialist and Reflective Practice Mentor.

Cindi Kaup, Co-founder of the 0 to 8 Mental Health Collaborative

Cindi Kaup is the Regional Lead for the California Preschool Instructional Network, delivering trainings on the Preschool Learning Foundations to five counties.  She is also the Early Childhood Coordinator for the Humboldt County Office of Education, coordinating the Coregrowth Project, the transitional kindergarten consortium and the early childhood team at HCOE.

Laura Power, MSW

Laura is a Professor in the Social Work at Humboldt State University.  She is a consultant who focuses her work on supporting the Spanish speaking community.  Laura is a CA endorsed IFECMH Transdisciplinary Practitioner and a Reflective Practice Facilitator I.

Connie Sundberg

Connie has been working with children and families in Humboldt County for the past 27 years.  As the Family Empowerment Services Director, Connie is responsible for the development and implementation of children’s mental health services provided by Changing Tides Family Services and is committed to developing and expanding mental health services provided to children birth to five and their families.


Julie Simpson, LCSW, LPPSC

Julie works for the California Department of Social Services as an Adoptions Specialist, helping children and families through the adoption process. She also founded and is the Executive Director of the Mattole Valley Resource Center, a Family Resource Center in Petrolia. She is currently studying the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics with Dr. Bruce Perry.

Carol West, Professor of Child Development at Humboldt State University

I have worked with and advocated for children and families for forty years as a family child care provider, preschool teacher, and consultant/trainer for early childhood programs.   Many of those have been at HSU’s Child Development department preparing professionals for work in a host of settings.  I am a parent and a grandparent, I am on the board of the Humboldt Association for the Education of Young Children (HAEYC) and I also serve on the Local Child Care Planning Council.

Some of the Leadership Team members are pictured below:

Partner Organizations Provide


  • Staff release time for participation on the 0 to 8 Mental Health Collaborative Leadership Team
  • Expertise as one of the  local cadre of trainers, and/or
  • Contributions of funding or in-kind hours to support training efforts.