IFECMH Training & Certification Subcommittee
Project description:
Develop an “In-County” Certification Process and maintain a responsive training plan that aligns with the CA Infant-Family & Early Childhood Mental Health Endorsement
Project Partners: Email Addresses:
Sheri Graham-Whitt | sherigatheringplace@gmail.com |
Mary Ann Hansen | MHansen@co.humboldt.ca.us |
Star Mohatt | smohatt@co.humboldt.ca.us |
Meg Walkley | mwalkley@hcoe.org |
Beth Heavilin | bheavilin@hcoe.org |
Laura Power | Laura.power@humboldt.edu |
Autumn Spears | aspears@hospiceofhumboldt.org |
Katie Allen | katherinedall@gmail.com |
Susan Hofman | sjhduhc@gmail.com |
Susan Rosen | Srosen@cde.ca.gov |
Allison Tans | atans@co.humboldt.ca.us |
Susi Huschle
Connie Sundberg Carol West |
csundberg@changingtidesfs.org caw4@humboldt.edu |
- Explore the potential funding opportunities to move forward a Humboldt County Infant-Family Early Childhood Mental Health Certificate Program
- Create a training plan that meets the needs of current professionals in Humboldt County (or Northwest Region)working with children and families and the student population that will become our future workforce.
- Develop a strategy to increase “buy-in” from community agencies to dedicate staff time, funding and support for hiring specialists in IFECMH
- Cultivate a cadre of trainers and work force of professionals knowledgeable in the CA Infant-Family Early Childhood Mental Health Endorsement competencies
- A crosswalk will be created in partnership with CD, Psych, SW, Educ and School Psych from their current curriculum to the competencies at a BA level and a MA level
Meeting Notes:
IFECMH Certification Sub-committee 2017 Meeting Folder
IFECMH Sub-Committee Project Planning
March 14, 2014
Meeting Notes Nov. 2014